Our home is important to us. It gives us shelter, houses our families and holds a lot of memories. Maintaining your roof should be considered your first and most important priority to ensure that your home not only looks good but is functional in providing you with warmth for many more years to come.

Should you find yourself with a problem roof, it could lead to many more problems than a wet carpet or a soggy ceiling. It’s important to seek out roof repair at your earliest convenience before problems escalate or you may need to invest in a whole new roof.

In London, where space is limited, expansion of properties often occurs upwards so having a good quality roof should be a priority over beginning any internal renovations. Here, we look at why your roof is so important and what it can protect you from.


The most obvious reason for ensuring your roof is water-tight and undamaged; water and moisture that get into your property can have devasting effects. Leaks that go unnoticed can cause rotting to roof beams and loft structures. Over time, this can lead to structural weakness and disintegration causing your roof to collapse. What should have been a simple, cost-effective repair has turned into a much more expensive issue.

Bug or Pest Infestation

A well-maintained roof offers excellent protection against infestations of bugs and pests, which themselves carry a whole host of problems in properties. While your roof will need sources of ventilation, ensuring large gaps or holes are taken care of will prevent squirrels, pigeons or similar pests getting into your roof space.


First impressions of your home will quite often be influenced by the quality of your pitched roof and while a damaged roof could lead to damaged personal belongings, it will also affect the resale value of your property, potentially devaluing your home.

Condensation and Damp

It is important that your roof is designed and built following correct design procedures, particularly considering insulation requirements. Incorrect installation of your roof can very often lead to dry and wet rot in timbers, internal damp and eventual costly repairs.

Keeping on top of your roof repair and maintenance goes a long way towards protecting your home against the elements and potential problems caused by unwanted visitors.

Able Roofing is an expert in roof design and specifications and we are dedicated to providing a second-to-none service to our customers throughout London and the South East. Our team are waiting to help answer your queries and provide an expertly produced estimate for all your roof repair or new roof needs.

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